Book Review : The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan

January 27, 2021


“The right choice is hardly ever the easy choice.”
— Julius Kane —

 We are back to our review for this Kane Chronicles's second book by Rick Riordan. Okay, since i always a person who set my reading plan by 3, which usually suit for most of series (which mostly consist of 3 books) i always tried to guess what the book is about by its title (since i don't read a synopsis as always. Anyway i guess i need to stop adding bracket for each comment for each sentence that i type. sorry.) But hey! this book also has same format as my writing style : adding brackets for  comments, hey isn't that coincidence? 

Anyway, what i'm saying is, even tho i tried to guess what this book would be about (i guessed the third book plot already when i read the first book) but i just can't guess the second book (which is this one, okay i'm doing this bracket things again, sorry again!) even tho i've finish the first book at that time. The story just got revealed when i start reading this book itself.


After the Set's invasion trying to rule the world in his birthday where he got the most power, thanks to Carter and Sadie (also the help of the gods inside them Horus and Isis), they decided to banish Set to the Duat and promise that Set will help them if the Apophis the Chaos Serpent breaks free and of course to release Horus and Isis from them since their powers are dangerous that might be addictive, strong enough to made them want to rule the world if they keep them inside (which is a good choice Carter and Sadie).

Of course setting Set free (actually not free because Sadie know how to control Set by calling him by his true name) doesn't made the House of Life happy, accusing them plotting with god (which in their terms is illegal because House of Life has been banishing god or keep them in hibernate mode, while Carter and Sadie believe that gods and magicians have to work along in order to fight Apophis the Chaos Serpent). Trying to avoid Apophis to break free by finding its archenemies which is the god of sun : Ra, Carter and Sadie's adventure just getting more and more challenging with the House of Life trying to stop them. 

“Sometimes, it takes us a while to appreciate something new, something that might change us for the better.”
— Anubis —


My Review

I thought i will be adapted to the Egyptian Mythology, but i guess i'm wrong. Okay, spoilers : we got a Dwarf god who is super ugly but had a sad history of his life and love.  A frustrating love line of Carter and Zia, and a fluttering love triangle of a thirteen year old! 

Duck!" I yelled [...]
"I'm a dwarf, i don't duck!"
— Bas the god of Dwarfs —

Okay, i think that spoilers above just didn't relate to the Egyptian Mythology. But yet i still find myself not really want to pick the book or a rush to finish it. I mean we got mummy and ghost here, which a bit scary but not so scary. But yet i still can't really pin point which the problem, why i finish this book in 6 days (for you might be not so long, but as a fan of Rick Riordan, finishing his book in 6 days or more is counted as sin for me! okay, overrated, kidding! lol!)

The thing is, Sadie's stubbornness is getting my nerve. Why going to London by yourself for just a sake of birthday when your time to summon Ra is super limited? Okay she's thirteen, but she just got kissed by two different man in this book!!! for a thirteen! While his brother is still hopelessly loving a girl who turn out a shabti (magic made that clay be able impersonate Zia, which tho its memory will be back to this sleeping beauty, the feeling is not) that made Carter, who already in danger for saving her (to wake her) she still didn't love him! oooh my heart for Carter. Riordan, you are just too cruel for him! is Sadie your favorite in this series??? 

Okay my love for Carter is just not enough to outshine Sadie's character here, who already made the big move in the first book, yet again made the big move in the second book. Nooo! Carter!!! please made him the star in last book! But still, the Ra is soooo funny ! hellooooo... byeee!!!  still can't wait to see how much the story goes for this book

Yes, i'm too hype right now, as i'm typing you this book, i am starting to read the third book right away because i just can't wait to finish this series!

My Rating

 I gave it a So-So too for this one (direct to my rating system if you don't know already) i really need Carter's chance to shine for this one, but still Sadie took the trophy.  I like her, but somehow i need justice! this book is based on their POV so it suppose to be fair. Okay i'm just a reader, what do i know?

Read the previous book :

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About Me

Hello! I'm Dee.

I'm a booknerd who loves mostly fantasy books and think that sci-fi is my jam although i haven't really read sci-fi much. I tend to read more other genre but i guess i'm kind of sucks at them. I love collecting beautiful books, and yes i do judge book by its cover. Fell free to leave a comment, let's talk! Or you can reach me out in my socials below.

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