Tweak and Beautiful Boy Book and Movie Review and Comparison
July 15, 2020I'm thinking about getting clean again. He tells me it's a waste of time.
" What is life for, if not for living?"
"Is this living?"
"We're So Free"
"Sort of."
Tweak - Nic Sheff
Why bothers to read Tweak?
What we didn't get in Beautiful Boy book
" Why don't you just stop?"
I couldn't stop. It's like i'm being held captive by some insatiable monster that will not let me stop. all my values, all my beliefs, everything i care about, they all go away the moment i get high.
In the book he also tell us that he sold himself to some gay just to get money for more drugs, which i don't think his dad knows it after he released his book beautiful boy because he didn't mention any of it in Beautiful Boy.
His Parents Divorce Hits Him Hard
David mentioned about this in his book, about it's probably his fault that Nic addicted to drugs. We can say that one of the reason.
I always felt so divided between the two of them. When I was with my mom in L.A. my allegiance was to her. When I was with my dad’s family in San Francisco my allegiance was to them. I always just wanted to make everyone happy, but then I completely tore everyone apart.
It is sad how each of them blaming themselves for what happened. It's an ugly truth. But it is a truth.
Nic has Bipolar Disorder. He has identity issues.
I wanted so desperately not to be a child anymore. I always thought once i was an adult, independent, whatever, these feelings of hopelessness and despair would go away. Drugs and alcohol give me that feeling. .... Here i am, so old yet so young. Stuck, suspended somewhere in between adulthood and a child's fantasy.
I’d sort of missed my own childhood, I was getting a chance to experience it all over again with them. Or, more importantly, to help give them the childhood I never had.
I believe on of his identity issues that he need to overcome in order to stop hitting more drugs.They are really their age. i was never my age. I always wanted to be older. I felt so inadequate being trapped in my small, prepubescent body. Jasper and Daisy seem very naive, but also comfortable with themselves. I'm still not comfortable with my goddam shelf. i don't know if i'll ever be..
Book and Movie Comparison
This Is Not Us, This Is Not Who We Are
This is me Dad, here this is who i am.
God and Twelve Steps Meeting
The movie never mentioned about Nic's family religion, they actually not from family that never believe in God. David talked about it when he met someone that he interviews (for his job) and then they replied with God bless. And he said he didn't believed in God
"I wish I did, I wish I could put it in someone else's hands. Someone powerful and benevolent. But I don't believe it."
"You will believe in God before this is over,"
Nic also mentioned that he doesn't believe in God which also included in twelve steps meeting that is part of his recovery program
"I don't think this is going to work for me any better than last time, all the talk about God..."
"They say 'higher power,' not God. There's a difference."
" 'Higher power' is another way of saying God. You have to believe, and I don't. You can't get over this unless you believe."
I begin praying, pleading with a god I have never believed in.
"God, don't let him die. Please don't let him die."
“God, I don’t believe in you, but now would be a good time to give us a goddamn miracle.”
The second time he prayed was when he feels he want to stop using meth
I am desperate. And so I cry and ask God for help.
“God,” I say. “Look, I don’t believe in you or anything, but if you’re there, I need your help. I can’t do this anymore. I’ll do anything. PLEASE.”
It’s still very hard for me to believe in God, but I’m just too beaten up to fight it anymore. That’s always been my problem with the twelve-step program. There’s all this God talk, or Higher Power talk. I could never get past the third step, “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood him.” It just seemed like some religious cult or something.
I know I’m going to go get high now. I want to. It doesn’t seem like there’s any real reason to live. I’m going to go be with Lauren and use until it kills me and then, well, that’ll be a relief, won’t it?
He start taking lots of grocery from his mom's when suddenly the his mom's dogs, Andy and Warhol trying to get his attention
“What the hell am I doing?”
“All right, fuck. God, please, if you are there, then, well, could you help me? I don’t even know what’s happening.”
Again he expect something happen but nothing. But obviously for me, God did help him via Andy and Warhol, without them he might be still trying to steal everything in his mom's house and relapsed again.
Nic prays a lot after that asking for God's guidance everyday.
So at work each day I ask God to be with me as I fold the towels, or answer the phones, or even just talk with the girls
Nic's Second Relapsed
"I'm not good on my own, i mean, i am nothing"
Nic's Parent Visited In His Rehab in Arizona
There's so much i want to say to them, but words seems like they could never express my sorrow and regret enough. Even just saying i'm sorry feels so meaningless - like i'm trying to put a Band-Aid on a shotgun wound.
My Verdict
Check out chapter one of my Book to Movie Adaptation Series below in case you missed it