Book Review : Warcross by Marie Lu

November 25, 2020



“Why would anyone give up the perfect fantasy reality just because they have to give up their freedom? What’s the point of freedom if you’re just living in a miserable reality?”


Hello everyone! Finally!! I read this one! Warcross has been sitting in my shelf for years and finally i got the second book and time to read it. This is the most anticipated duology of the year for me, since i love Marie Lu a lot, and she hasn't fail to bring me to new adventure in each series she wrote. 


This book follows Emika Chen, a girl who work as bounty hunter to catch a cyber criminal. Set in futuristic New York and mostly Japan, this series bring the most amazing world could be in the future. World with overlays image with the help of glass invented by young talented Hideo Tanaka who create virtual reality, that becomes not only in game but a way of life. 

In order to find quick sum of money because she about to be kicked from the apartment where she living because haven't pay it for 3 months, and with this such hi-tech world, low job like being a waitress is hard to find and itself won't cover the money she need. Risking everything, she hacks into the opening tournament of Warcross to steal a rare item to sell it later in black market. 

But turns out that she glitched herself in the game, which she suppose to be invincible. The next morning she got call from Hideo Tanaka the one who create the game, expecting to get sue by the accident that she made, Hideo hired him instead to track down the hacker that has been swirling around the Warcross. Freed from dept and going to Tokyo seems like just a dream, but the job is not just as a tracker for the hacker, she also going to join the Warcross Championship as a wildcard as a spy to search the hacker that might be one of the Warcross gamers.

 My Review

 As you might know already, i really like sci-fi genre, plus this one is by one of my fave female author. I tried to be not being bias, but believe me it's hard, but i'm trying to be as objective as i can. 


Catchy Main Characters

First of all, i really like the tropes where the female character is from low class, struggling but strong and sassy like Emika. She's a genius in hacking, but also has a big heart. I had a lot of fun reading her hacking ability, how brave she is to get into something that is dangerous, which again, sooo sassy!

Also, i fall in love with Hideo Tanaka even from the first scene he got into the book (which is by the phone when he talks to Emika) i find a smart man, charming yet happen to be super rich is quite a character plus he's so mysterious in my opinion. This might be a bit off to say, but he reminds me of Mr. Grey from fifty shades. Okay, not that sexually part, but yes he reminds me a lot of Mr. Grey. 

Apart from that, we got a lot of characters also in this book. I personally think even the Villain is catchy. The first appearance of Zero is just made me shudder. I think the Marie Lu doing great in that scene. 

Amazing World Building

Like i said before, Marie Lu is doing great at describing the virtual reality that becomes one with reality in the book. The way she explain it just easy for me to digest for what she means and imagining that myself just made me lost in thinking. 

I would definitely want to have that kind of hi-tech soon for the real. Must be fun to be in a room, with our normal eyes it just a normal room, but with the virtual reality they are art that moving from shapes to another. Visually pleasing indeed. Also, they are also different set of places set in game of Warcross, i still amazed by the setting of each game. Maybe i'm into a game oriented book also? can you say?

My Rating

I would say i'm amazed once again by Marie Lu, i went from Legend a dystopian series, to The Young elites series, elemental tropes dark fantasy, and now into sci-fi. She hasn't disappointed by her so far although she went into this and that kind of theme, she still amaze me to be honest, sometimes it's hard for an author to change a concept that different from their previous works, yet she did it great.

I would rate this book as Woot Woot! (go to my rating system for more if you new for my rating system). I think it has been a while since i read a kind of book that super excites me that took me to a full adrenaline roller coaster. 

I would definitely recommend you to read it. Specially i think if you are a gamer type of person? That would be fun. Although i'm not much a gamer (i do play harvestmoon and a big fan of it, in PS, PS2, PSP, but well... that's different kind of game) but i like to watch people playing game, so probably that one of the reason why i enjoy it a lot.  

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About Me

Hello! I'm Dee.

I'm a booknerd who loves mostly fantasy books and think that sci-fi is my jam although i haven't really read sci-fi much. I tend to read more other genre but i guess i'm kind of sucks at them. I love collecting beautiful books, and yes i do judge book by its cover. Fell free to leave a comment, let's talk! Or you can reach me out in my socials below.

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