Is It Worth Reading : Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes by Rick Riordan

April 30, 2022


"The best reason to read about the old Greek heroes is to make yourself feel better. No matter how much you think your life sucks, these guys and gals had it worse."
― Percy Jackson ―

Hello everyone! Yes you know it! it's the third post of "Is it worth reading?" series that i posted this month because i read lots of novellas and companion books lately. If you new here, this is the series in my blog where i will review novella or companion book from certain series and judge whether you should read or skip it to save your time (and energy) because I've done it, so you shouldn't. Without further ado, let's dive in!

Reading Order

Based on our book bible Goodreads, this book is part of Camp Half Blood Chronicles, which is consist of lots different stories, which is if you want the complete one, you have to read at least 12 books, but no worries, i will give you the most important one 

1. Percy Jackson Series

2. Heroes of Olympus Series (Optional)

3. Demigod Diaries (Optional)

4. The Demigod Files (Optional)

5. Percy Jackson's Greek Gods

6. Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes

So at least you read Percy Jackson Series and the previous companion book : Percy Jackson's Greek Gods.

What is it All About?

Just like the previous companion book the Greek gods, this book is also a collection of story about greek heroes that written by Percy Jackson. I've done the Greek gods before, just click the picture below just in case you are wondering. 

You might want to know more about heroes that are (mostly ended tragically) or the one that end up became the gods (or minor one at least). The main highlight in the book you probably already can guess. Yep, the adventure of the famous Hercules. 

My Verdict

I tried not to be so bias as a fan of Rick Riordan books, but i think you can give this book a chance. It was so fun to read. I really like how Percy add nowadays term in his stories which is fun to read. So yeah, read it!

Read previous chapter :

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About Me

Hello! I'm Dee.

I'm a booknerd who loves mostly fantasy books and think that sci-fi is my jam although i haven't really read sci-fi much. I tend to read more other genre but i guess i'm kind of sucks at them. I love collecting beautiful books, and yes i do judge book by its cover. Fell free to leave a comment, let's talk! Or you can reach me out in my socials below.

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