Is It Worth Reading : How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories by Holy Black

September 04, 2021


“But no one chooses a future. You choose a path without being certain where it leads.”
― Cardan Greenbriar ―

Hello everyone! This book title is indeed a long one, it think it's the longest so far. Welcome back to another chapter of "Is It Worth Reading?" series where i will rate if this novella or companion book worth your time to read or you can just skip it ahead to save time because i've done it, so you don't have to. This also be the first post of first September theme, which is novellas week. I've done it before, but this time is short because only for this week (two posts), since next week we will go with another theme. Without further ado, let's go!

Reading Order

As always, by our reading bible Goodreads, this book listed as The Folk of the Air #3.5 which means the plot set after the book number three. So of course i will suggest you to read in this order

1. The Cruel Prince
2. The Lost Sister (this one, i personally think as an optional, read my review here)
3. The Wicked King
4. The Queen of Nothing
5. How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

What is it All About?

This is the book with the main point of view of Cardan, telling his story from the beginning of his life, while he is just unwanted prince treated like an animal living in the stables and met the Troll woman name Aslog who told him tales about a man with stone heart and a princess that is a monster.

She met Cardan again in couple times after that and tell the story but with slightly different twist in the end. The story continues to his meeting with Nicasia and his love story, tragic one which Nicasia end up with Locke, also his encounter with our main female character Jude, and end up with his story after he become the king, and once again met Aslog in human world. So it's basically back again into a full circle of Cardan and his encounter with Aslog the Troll woman.

Is It Worth Reading?

To be honest i quite like the stories, the tales with slightly different ending with different meaning in it, it reminds me a lot of Patrick Ness's A Monster Call kind of vibe. Cardan tragic stories just made a bit of "sense" why he acted that way in first book (i still hate him in first book btw, just make sense, doesn't justified his actions). Plus it includes lots of illustrations. I think the main charm of this book is the illustrations imo, but since i'm not a big fan for illustrations, it just okay to me. 

My Verdict

It's Neutral for me. I don't think it really matter with the main plot, but also not a bad read, it's good to add some history background of Cardan, but you might want to read it if you a big fan of illustrated book. The reading is durable, okay but it really didn't do much to the plot for the main story in my opinion. So yeah, Neutral. Go if you want, don't read also won't hurt, you won't miss a thing.

Read previous chapter : 


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Hello! I'm Dee.

I'm a booknerd who loves mostly fantasy books and think that sci-fi is my jam although i haven't really read sci-fi much. I tend to read more other genre but i guess i'm kind of sucks at them. I love collecting beautiful books, and yes i do judge book by its cover. Fell free to leave a comment, let's talk! Or you can reach me out in my socials below.

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