Is It Worth Reading : The Shadowhunter's Codex

July 14, 2021

you have just been recruited by the Monster Police. You may be wondering, why? [...]
8.You know too much, and should be recruited because the secrecy of the Shadow World has already been compromised for you.
9. You know too little; it would be helpful to the Shadowhunters if you knew more.
10. You know exactly the right amount, making you a natural recruit.
― Magnus Bane ―

Hello peeps! Welcome back to another chapter of "Is It Worth Reading?" series where i did a short review for a short reads like companion books or novellas, and rate it in the end is it worth reading the book, in order to complete the plot from the main series, or just skip it since i've read it, so you don't have to. Today i'm bringing the book that has been talked a lot in shadowhunter fans, so without further ado, let's dive in!


Reading Order

As always, revering to our reading bible, Goodreads, this book countes as one of the books from Shadowhunter Chronicles, by the list, it was listed in the last two of total 31 works. But of course you can't read the book AFTER all the 29 books right? (not all the works are released yet too tho) so this is the right reading order for you

AT LEAST, go read TMI series first before reading this one. 

for my reading order, i think it will better if you have read TID (optional in this case) then TMI, then this book (or you can read Bane Chronicle first like me, it doesn't really matter.) But i think it's best if you read this one BEFORE you read The Tales from Shadowhunter Academy (simon's side story) since i'm currently reading that book right now (the book review soon! so stay tune)

What is it All About?

Well.. to summarize the whole thing for you, this is basically like manual for shadowhunter about shadow world. They got the history, the entity included like Angel, Demon, Downworlders (vampire, werewolf, faerie, warlock) and other stuff like their law (which basically boring) with lots of comments by Clary, Simon and Jace.They also has the question to answers in every end of the chapter. Like i said, like a book you find in school.


Is It Worth Reading?

I can say i got some knowledge about some details in shadow world, specially the Sight, but aside from that is actually kind of like a book that you will read in school subject. In simple term, just boring. Plus i read it in ebook format so i find it a bit hard to recognize between simon's and Jace comment since they are in same type of font and same size, while clary's was written in bigger font. 

So this would be some ranting part that i really want to talk about. First is the law of parabatai that is forbidden for them to fall in love, in here i quote :

"These bonded pairs must maintain the dignity of their warrior bond and must not allow it to transform into the earthly love we call Eros."

To be honest i do believe this would be a changes (again in my opinion) in TDA series since i sense it between Emma and Julian in last book of TMI (DISCLAIMER: i haven't read TDA nor read the synopsis either, so i might be wrong). Just because it's "earthy" love that doesn't meant it's an actual rule with not sharing love with your parabatai right?

Also i see lots of subjective view in describing Downworlders in this book. I felt a bit sick while reading the shadowhunters' law. It definitely need change (i sensed it since TMI too) but apart from that it's fun to read the history of shadowhunter that is based on Jonathan and David from bible (actual bible) which is amusing. The first Shadowhunter, first parabatai, first silent brother and first iron sister is quite mesmerizing to me. 

My Verdict

Skip it. Unless you are a huge fan of shadowhunter world, i don't think i will suggest you to read it. It really doesn't effect a lot in main plot of the story in shadow world. But sure, read it if you like trivia from shadow world related. 

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About Me

Hello! I'm Dee.

I'm a booknerd who loves mostly fantasy books and think that sci-fi is my jam although i haven't really read sci-fi much. I tend to read more other genre but i guess i'm kind of sucks at them. I love collecting beautiful books, and yes i do judge book by its cover. Fell free to leave a comment, let's talk! Or you can reach me out in my socials below.

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