Duology Enough? A Beautifully Foolish Endeavour (The Carls)

May 19, 2021


"Remarkable things don’t get done by people waiting for the status quo to crawl along"
― Dr. Constance Lundgren ―


Hello everyone! I really have to apologize for didn't post last week. This review should be posted in Wednesday 12th, but i didn't because i haven't finish this one yet! I have been in the slump for months (as you can probably tell by how my post reduced from twice a week to once a week and none last week!) it's not because of the book is bad, no.. not at all, i probably in the mood of watching than reading, since i've watched a lot of series lately. And i think i was just in time for slump after such a reading rush for months. 

Anyway, enough for personal update, this one tho, as i said in my post before for the first book, is the final book for me to finally continuing watching Vlogbrothers videos, since i stop watching them in order to avoid any spoilers for the book! Yep! i'm going to dive in to their videos again soon! Wait, that was another personal update. Sorry! Let's just dive in!

First Book Quick Flashback

In the first book we met April May, the girl who went viral after doing "an interview" with gigantic robot that suddenly appears in the city, not in the New York but all others city in the world. The robot, that she spontaneously call it as Carl gives her some riddles, starting from some misspelling wikipedia page of Queen's song "Don't Stop Me Now" that can't be edited no matter how much she tried, then after solving the that riddle, later she found herself in "the Dream" a world with lots of riddles to solve and turns out not only her but all of people around the world having this Dream.

Of course her fame for being the "ambassador of Carl" got some critique from people lead by Peter Petrawicki who called Carl (or Carls since it's more than one Carl in the world) alien that is doing invasion to the world. And his fan, who called them selves as The Defenders just made things worse by trapping April in a burning building. 

The book ends with Carl making a move flying to rescue April, but no one can find April or her remaining in that building. Yes, a tragic, cliff-hanging ending. You can read my review about this book by clicking the picture below




 After what happened to April, the world mourn for her also mourn for the lost of "The Dream" in their life. The story start with Andy, April's friend who recorded her in that video that went viral, who became famous because he is April's best friend. One day he found a book called as "The Book of Good Times" that mysteriously knows the future and predict how would he reacts at this book. This book is giving him lots of tasks to do, investing his money in some unknown market and gain a lot of money, ask him to talk to his other friends, Maya and Miranda also Robin who after the April incident become feel lose something after the lost of April. They're grieving but trying to get back into life.

Maya who used to be April's girlfriend refuses to accept that April is gone, become actively searching for some weird event that happening in Dolphins in Delaware and other weird things that happening in New Jersey and she decided to investigate a small city name Walton to find out.

Miranda, the girl that slept with April once, the one who build Som, a society of Carl's defender who also a genius, find something fishy with what Peter Petrawicki's next project that after the April incident claimed that he no longer support The Defenders, go to Puerto Rico and living "peacefully" there. Went back to her lab in Berkeley, she found out that Peter is working on some project, mining cryptocurrency and creating a "service" that try to re-create The Dream into a Virtual Reality. Of course it was more than that. 

My Review

I love this book a lot, well.. i might be bias because i love Hank Green personality too, but this one, specially Andy's Pov is one of my fave part in this book. Let's talk about it one by one. 

What's Added

As i said before, this book added three more POVs instead of just April POV in the first book. As i can say at first i didn't really like April because of how she embrace the fame that she got over the night, but at the end of the book you got to see, that April is just same people like us, she can be swayed by fame but in the end she realized it. 

Andy in other hand, knows that his fame is came because of his lost to his best friend who also the one that he once loved, April. He tried and struggled a lot to keep the balance of being famous and being a normal person, being a good friend with his roommate, Jason, also balancing his love life. 

Miranda's POV gave us the view of how the Altus (The re-created Dream by Patrick) looks like and how dark the secret side of Altus that not everyone knows. I think her adventure is the most dangerous in here.

Maya's POV is more random but adventurous, going somewhere where all the weirdness happened, encounter with a weird gamers who play a game called Fish that seems to try to stop her to find out what actually happened. 

AND OOH!!! it's not only three!! we also got Carl's POV! oh my oh my oh my! the first time i see the chapter i almost cried. How Carl sees the world, and see us the human, just made me feel that we are worth saving. And we are worth it. Hank did a great job at making me believe that. 

"I was sent here in pieces to self-assemble and then mutualistically infect your planet because, without me, a fascinating and beautiful system would have a low probability of self-correcting to sustainability. In other words, someone somewhere was pretty sure you were going to destroy yourself, and they felt like you were worth saving, so they sent me."
― Carl ―

What should have added

I can't really think of what should have added in this book at the moment because i just love this book very much, but IF i should, maybe a bit of sneak peak of Carl's siblings POV maybe? because i want to see how it's different than Carls, but well with this book is already okay tho. But you get the point of it right?


My Verdict

 I said it before, but i said it again! Yes!! This is the perfect duology! yes we know that we got some mystery untold since Carl's brother is still there but well.. it ended perfectly for me. It's a Woot Woot! (direct here if you dunno what it means) for me too so i think it's a good read, i love it a lot. Please do read this one.

Previous chapter of this series

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About Me

Hello! I'm Dee.

I'm a booknerd who loves mostly fantasy books and think that sci-fi is my jam although i haven't really read sci-fi much. I tend to read more other genre but i guess i'm kind of sucks at them. I love collecting beautiful books, and yes i do judge book by its cover. Fell free to leave a comment, let's talk! Or you can reach me out in my socials below.

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